_____________’s Safety Plan
The purpose of this safety plan is:
I will be at:
My itinerary is:
(Important facts to know about this situation: will I be around any people or places that have been triggering to me in the past i.e. : old girl friends, old friends who’ve been of a bad influence on me, relatives who are stressful to be around etc.)
Boundaries / Awareness:
(the following bullets should be added to and tweaked to optimize your safety and the safety of those around you!)
Nano second rule: no second looks
I will not use pornography in any media form
How will I address H.A.L.T. (Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired. How will I specifically deal with each of the letters of HALT)
If I violate any of my boundaries or act out I will call a recovery brother A.S.A.P.
These are a few other areas that you will need to look at as you consider your Boundaries / Awareness:
My wife’s needs while I’m there
And what she doesn’t need from me!
Alcohol consumption
Alone time
I will not allow myself to be alone with any females
How will I deal with flirting
How will I respond if females flirt with me
How will I deal with touching / hugging other women
How will I respond if a female initiates hugging or touching me
What other boundaries and awarenesses can you add to this list? Leave no stone unturned!!