Suggested Reading

Hunger for Healing
This is the definitive Christian book on the Twelve Steps. Provides insight into the spiritual aspect of recovery and a clear understanding of how to apply the 12-steps to daily walk with Christ. It is the ideal text for men who struggle with addiction and want to understand the grace of recovery.
J. Keith Miller

Out of the Shadows
This book is the first to describe sexual addiction and is still the standard for recognizing and overcoming this destructive behavior. Dr. Patrick Carnes outlines how to identify sexual addiction, recognize the way others may unwittingly become complicit or codependent, and change the patterns that support the addiction.

Facing the Shadow
Facing the Shadow takes techniques used by thousands of people recovering from sexual addiction and shows, step by step, how to break free of this disease and live a healthier, more fulfilling life.

In the Shadows of the Net: Breaking Free of Compulsive Online Sexual Behavior
This book equips readers with specific strategies for recognizing and changing compulsive sexual behaviors. Personal stories reveal how desperate life can become for online sex addicts–divorce, career loss, and financial ruin are common outcomes. Provides a path for breaking free from compulsive online sexual behavior and sustaining lifelong recovery.

Don't Call it Love: Recovery from Sexual Addiction
This book is based on the testimony of more than one thousand recovering sexual addicts in the first major scientific study of the disorder. This book includes the findings of Dr. Carne’s research with recovering addicts and also advice from the addicts and co-addicts as they work to overcome their compulsive behavior. Positive, hopeful, and practical, this book helps in understanding all addictions, their causes, and the difficult path to recovery.

Men’s Secret Wars
This book will help Christian men talk honestly about the real issues they face. Men are fighting secret wars against stress, burnout, unhealthy relationships, temptation, and sexuality. This book offers strategies for defeating the secrets that threaten men’s private lives. Through the candid stories from the author and others, readers will learn to recognize the “at risk” factors that precede the development of a secret life.
Patrick A. Means

Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions
Originally published in 1952, this classic book is used by A.A. members and groups around the world. It lays out the principles by which A.A. members recover and by which the fellowship functions. The basic text clarifies the Steps which constitute the A.A. way of life and the Traditions, by which A.A. maintains its unity.
Bill W.

The Steps We Took
A teacher of the Twelve Steps shares his experience, strength, and hope with all those recovering from addictions, all who want to recover, and all who love them in this book of plain-spoken wisdom. Excellent text for understanding and working through the twelve steps when recovering from sexual addiction.
Joe McQ

An Affair of the Mind
Laurie Hall’s story reveals pornography’s subversive side and offers comfort, encouragement, insight, and a plan of action to women whose husbands are addicted. For men, this book provides a deeper understanding of the impact their behaviors have on their wife and the steps necessary to reconcile a broken relationship.
Laurie Hall

Hope After Betrayal: Healing When Sexual Addiction Invades Your Marriage
The deceit of sexual addiction is shrouding marriages in darkness and hopelessness. Countless women are discovering the shocking history of their husband’s sexual compulsions, and are left angry, depressed, numb, and asking themselves, “Why is this happening?” The dream of the perfect marriage and family has been shattered. Written from firsthand experience, this amazingly open book offers hope and healing for women who have been hurt by their husband’s sexual addiction.
Meg Wilson

Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book
Alcoholics Anonymous sets forth cornerstone concepts of recovery from alcoholism and tells the stories of men and women who have overcome the disease. •The most widely used resource for millions of individuals in recovery – and a powerful tool of recovery for sexual addiction as well.
Bill W.

Your Husband’s Secret Wars
When a woman discovers her husband is involved in sexual sin (whether it’s the sin of lust, pornography, infidelity, or some other behavior) pain whips through her like a tornado. Yet in the midst of incredible hurt, she can find Gods healing with help from Living with Your Husbands Secret Wars.
Marsha Means

Pure Desire
Pure Desire is the answer to a desperate cry for help from men and women who have tried to build sexual holiness in their lives and failed…and failed…and failed. This book is also for the shattered souls of mates who are puzzled, shamed and wounded by their husband’s or wife’s sexual bondage and secret life. It will give the soul in Christ an anchor amid rough waters and a new appreciation for Christ’s healing power and presence
Dr Ted Roberts

Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction
A former sex addict himself, Dr. Mark Laaser offers help and hope for regaining and maintaining sexual integrity, self-control, and wholesome, biblical sexuality. A must read for anyone who has a sexual addiction. Pastors, counselors, and lay leaders will also greatly benefit from it.
Dr. Mark Laaser, M.Div.,Ph.D.
Facing Love Addiction
A book for understanding the origins of codependence and the path to recovery. This book traces the origins of this illness back to childhood, describing a whole range of emotional, spiritual, intellectual, physical, and sexual abuses. Includes a framework for identifying codependent behavior and describes an effective approach to recovery that includes both therapy and self-help.
False Intimacy
False Intimacy goes beyond behavioral symptoms and willpower-based solutions to provide biblical guideposts for the journey to restoration. With frank honesty, False Intimacy examines the roots behind these kinds of behaviors and offers realistic direction to those whose lives or ministries have been impacted by sexual addiction.
Dr. Harry W. Schaumburg

Undefiled: Redemption From Sexual Sin, Restoration For Broken Relationships
Amid the chaos of cybersex, impersonal sex, adultery, homosexuality, and sexual dissatisfaction in marriage, Undefiled calls readers toward a new kind of spiritual and sexual revolution. Spiritual maturity and sexual maturity go hand-in-hand, and together they hold out the promise of redemption and restoration needed by everyone who has been damaged by sexual sin.
Dr. Harry W. Schaumburg

Every Man’s Battle
Millions have found Every Man’s Battle the single greatest resource for overcoming the struggle and remaining strong in the face of temptation. With extensive updates for a new generation, this phenomenal bestseller shares the stories of dozens who have escaped the trap of sexual immorality and presents a practical, detailed plan for any man who desires sexual integrity.
Steve Arterburn

Breaking Free: Understanding Sexual Addiction & the Healing Power of Jesus
Offers a new way to see the world for every person who wants to understand and break free from sexual addiction. This book provides an honest examination of sexual addiction by showing how Jesus offers forgiveness and healing through real-life stories of individuals who struggle.